2023-06-01 14:06:41 來源:中國教育在線
官網(wǎng)指出:“Our MBA Program is designed to be completed over four terms (two academic years). The curriculum consists of 18 credits of required core coursework, and a minimum of 42 credits of elective courses.
While students generally register for 15 credits per term, full-time residence at the Business School is strictly defined as a minimum of 12 credits. Students are permitted to take up to 18 credits per term, and may graduate with more than 60 credits.”
Full Term:
Financial Accounting
Corporate Finance
First Half核心課:
Managerial Statistics
Strategy Formulation
Managerial Economics
Second Half核心課:
Business Analytics
Global Economic Environment
Second-Term Core Courses選修課:
Full Term
In the second term of student’s first year, theyll have the option to select three full-term elective classes.
First Half
In the first half of the second term of student’s first year, theyll have the option to select two half-term elective classes.
Second Half
In the second half of the second term of student’s first year, theyll have the option to select one half-term elective classes in addition to Operations Management.
Operations Management